Adam Jones Talk March 23, 2020
Adam Jones good friend for Jay, friend for all Oriole. Adam Jones play Oriole lots years, play good Oriole more good all Oriole? Maybe. Adam Jones good. No play Oriole now. Adam Jones play Orix Buffalo. Oriole Jones Japan Buffalo. Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.
Adam Jones talk computer interview, red computer question thing. Friend ask Adam Jones question. Jay no ask question. Jay no red thing computer, Jay make own computer Oriole fun. Adam Jones no talk much. Talk Adam come America home, play baseball manager. Oriole Manager? Adam Jones no say. Now Adam Jones play Japan. Adam talk SABRmetric, talk maybe good maybe bad. Talk favorite baseball time. No favorite baseball time, Jones talk, talk favorite friends family favorite baseball. Jay and Adam Jones friends favorite! Yes. Adam know Tool guitar man Adam Jones. No same Adam Jones, both friends. Jay also understand tool, Jay break nut with rock, stick catch termite tool Jay use. Adam talk wrestling, talk Stone Cold favorite Rock favorite Mankind. Jay know Stone Cold! Stone Cold Steve Stone scare Jay. Jay like throw play rock. Mankind mean gibbons. Gibbons, monkeys win world. Planet of the Apes fun. Person talk Adam Buck Showalter, Adam talk dog emotions. Have emotions, get dog, talk Adam. Jay no undertand Adam. Jay like dog, fuzzy warm, play fun. Adam no understand Japan language, Adam no read signs. Jay understand signs. Jay teach Adam American Sign Language!
Adam play Japan baseball Orix Buffalo. Japan baseball plany empty park no fans watch baseball, play baseball no fans. Adam play no fans Oriole, play White Sox no fans 2015 fun. Adam do good empty fans, full fans, all fans, Adam good baseball, Good friend Adam Jones.
