The N-Word Pass
Written by Paul Hauss- April 20, 2019
Some spectators,
including us at The
Playhouse, found it a bit
odd when Joe West ejected
Tim Anderson the last game
of the White Sox-Royals
series. Some spectators,
such as Jason Benetti, found
their cholesterol at a
higher level than before.
Typically, when one has a
hard projectile thrown at
them with a velocity over 90
miles per hour, as happened
to Timmy, it is the person
throwing the projectile who
gets punished. Instead, Tim
Anderson, who did not
attempt to fight back in the
benches clearing
altercation, was ejected and
is now serving a
According to Major
League Baseball, the reason
for Anderson's suspension is
his usage of the N word
during the incident. This
brings many issues to the
forefront, such as the
implication that any word
could have a more severe
punishment than a physical
act of violence, but the
most polarizing point
surrounds Anderson, an
African-American, being
disciplined for using a word
which many people feel he
has a cultural right to use.
The Playhouse agrees that
Tim Anderson and all black
athletes should be able to
use the word without facing
the same consequences
Caucasian athletes would
face for the same language,
but it is not a debate we
care to get involved in to
the point of contributing an
argument. In fact, The
Playhouse thinks that
question is secondary to the
question that our society
should be asking. The most
pressing question goes as
Does Sammy Sosa have
an N-word pass?
We encourage all
our followers to share their
voices in the comments, but
not before we tell you what
the right answer is.
Both possible
answers to this question
have their merits. Some
might think Sammy ought not
to say the N word because of
his modified white skin, and
some think he never had a
right to say the word
because he has always been
Afro-Latino, as opposed to
African American. Some will
say Sammy used to have a
right to say the N word but
lost that right when he
bleached his skin,
signifying a divorce from
the black community.
Others think he
always had an N-word pass
because some people view the
black community as
consisting of all black
peoples, not just
African-Americans. Some will
defend his N-word pass as
still valid with white skin,
because ethnicity and
culture transcend
appearance. After all, Sammy
has experienced the real
effects of racism,
especially when he first
moved from the
majority-black Dominican
Republic to the
majority-white United States
of America. White members of
the baseball media
criticized Sammy early in
his career for perceived
disrespect of the game's
historically white culture
when he brought with him the
signature flair of Dominican
baseball culture.
The Playhouse sees
it as an inalienable truth
that Sammy Sosa has a valid
N-word pass, but not because
of any of the reasons stated
above. Sammy Sosa has a
right to use the N-word, not
because of its history as a
black word, but because its
history as a gamer word.

foremost members of the game
community, which AJ Styles
assures us is a real
community that exists, have
all come to the public
consensus that the N-word is
valid in the context of
heated gaming moments. The
Playhouse, having never left
the Columbine social sphere
of 1999, is afraid of video
games and therefore does not
know what a heating gaming
moment is, but we can only
assume it refers to any
instance in which someone
plays Sammy Sosa: High Heat
Baseball. If someone is
allowed to say the N-word
during play sessions of the
3D0-developed Playstation
classic, then surely being
the titular star of the game
would give someone the right
to the say the word in any
context for the rest of
their lives.