Leather Pants
Written by Paul Hauss- August 31, 2017
At what point in an adult's life to they look inside
their wardrobe and think, "leather pants are a necessary
addition to my clothing collection".
Ever since
Sammy decided to don the cattle skin over his pallid skin,
the Playhouse have dedicated many a night attempting to
determine what drives a man, specifically a middle-aged
Dominican man with 600 home runs and multiple Panasonic
3DO-developed video games to his namesake,to wear leather
Clearly, no prude would ever make such a
drastic life choice. If any 90s baseball alumnus would ever
wear leather pants, of course it would be Sammy Sosa. Mark
McGwire's too middle-class, too apple pie to think society's
norms against leather pants need to be challenged, while
Alex Rodriguez is too calculated to ever risk challenging
those norms even if he thought it ought to be done. Greg
Maddux wholeheartedly believes it is necessary for leather
pants to be worn, but his whole endgame relies on preventing
any opposition from ever considering that he holds such
knowledge. Frank Thomas has a staunch opposition to leather
pants due to his dedicated work ethic; he got to where he is
today not because of leather pants, but because of pure
blood, sweat, and tears, and he'll be damned if he starts
wearing leather pants now. Ken Griffey Jr. is so
effortlessly cool, that he probably doesn't even know that
leather pants exist; why watch a Judas Priest music video
when you yourself embody the pure coolness of Judas Priest
without even trying?
Sammy, on the other hand, is
obviously hell bent for leather. Sammy used to watch Mark
McGwire hit batting practice in childlike awe, and it was
from that moment forward that he invested in [FLINTSTONES
VITAMINS] such that he too could hit such majestic dongs as
Big Mac. He's a very impressionable person. We know from his
iconic Boom Box and his creamy appearances at each annual
Latin Grammy's ceremony that Sammy is something of a music
fan. Sammy is also a noted aficionado of foreign cultures
other than his own. He's a superstar of America's past time,
after all, and there's a reason why he excelled as a
diplomat for the Dominican government during his year off
from baseball in 2006. He also went all out in his birthday
spent in Dubai two years ago, fully embracing the culture in
his Arabian adventures. Sammy lives for this shit.
it's 1990 and you're a young Sammy Sosa. It's just your
second year in American sports, you barely speak any
English, but you take a great interest in the environment
around you. It's the 90s and you have a jheri curl, so you
know you want to be cool. How do you find out what's cool,
well, you turn on MTV. Upon turning on MTV, you are greeted
with Judas Priest's Painkiller. Not only was the Painkiller
album Priest's return to glory in terms of musical quality,
it was faster and heavier, and therefore cooler than
anything they've ever done. Someone like Sammy Sosa would
take note of that. I don't know if Sammy became a metal
head, but I do know that from that point forward, there was
a part of his brain which wanted to be cool, and there was
another part of his brain which held on to the memory of
Painkiller. If you want to be cool and you're willing to
take external help to get what you want, there's only one
natural course of action that will take place.

Leather pants.